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Saturday, June 11, 2016

Types, Objectives and Sources of Literature Review

Types of Literature  Review
There are two types of review of literature.
1. Survey of research: It is just the review of topic which; explores the findings of previous research works.
identifies the existing relationship between variables.
2. Conceptual review: it is the theoretical review which examines different theories and concepts of topics. Its provides some relevant arguments on research.

Objectives of the literature review
The following objectives are set for literature review:
1. Identification of relevant variables of research
2. Avoidance of repetition
3. Synthesis (i.e. combine) of prior works
4. Determining meaning and relationship among variables

Sources of Literature Review
Sources of literature review indicates the related documents of previous researches on which researcher
generally goes through. The important documents of literature review can be listed
1. Books and journals
2. Abstracts (Summary of used tools)
3. Annual reports
4. Research articles
5. Dissertations (thesis or reports for achieving university degrees)
6. Directories (an alphabetical list of names, address and numbers)
7. Internet

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