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Saturday, June 11, 2016

Organizing Library Findings

The systematic or proper arrangements of the materials or references which are collected from library should be organized carefully. A researcher should prepare the list of books or copies which are relevant to
the problem before visiting a library. Library is the big collection of books and journals one should have proper knowledge of consulting a library. All the good libraries are organized in similar principle i.e. every library has a card catalog, which shows all the publications available in the library. Such card will help to prepare the bibliography list as well as to select the material form concerned shelves of the library. The catalog cards are generally highlights the following facts of book and journals:
• Call number of books and journals
• Name of authors ( Last name first and then first name)
• Title of book or article (Name should be underlined)
• Name, date and place of publisher
• Number of pages

Composing a Bibliography

Bibliography is the arrangement of reviewed books, articles, journals, reports and relevant published or unpublished documents. While conducting research, we collect various information from different sources and those sources must be mentioned at the end of research that enables the readers to go depth in original sources. In such way, mentioning the source of information in research is bibliography. A bibliography usually listed at the end of pages of report. It can be arranged in alphabetical order or subject wise also.

Types, Objectives and Sources of Literature Review

Types of Literature  Review
There are two types of review of literature.
1. Survey of research: It is just the review of topic which; explores the findings of previous research works.
identifies the existing relationship between variables.
2. Conceptual review: it is the theoretical review which examines different theories and concepts of topics. Its provides some relevant arguments on research.

Objectives of the literature review
The following objectives are set for literature review:
1. Identification of relevant variables of research
2. Avoidance of repetition
3. Synthesis (i.e. combine) of prior works
4. Determining meaning and relationship among variables

Sources of Literature Review
Sources of literature review indicates the related documents of previous researches on which researcher
generally goes through. The important documents of literature review can be listed
1. Books and journals
2. Abstracts (Summary of used tools)
3. Annual reports
4. Research articles
5. Dissertations (thesis or reports for achieving university degrees)
6. Directories (an alphabetical list of names, address and numbers)
7. Internet

Review of Literature

The process of studying different article, book, journals and different sources of information to gather knowledge of selected topic under study is known as review of literature. It is the preliminary stage of any research after selecting a research problem. It is a abstract of previous research on a specified topic on which researcher provides the description, summary and critical evaluation of each sources of knowledge. It gives idea about how variables are related in past studies and what difficulties previous researcher faced, so that you can take care on those points. It helps to distinguish the new research with previous researches. It enables the researcher to conduct research in an effective way. The existing literature should be to identify the following issues:
1. What is already known about this area?
2. What concepts and theories are relevant to this area?
3. Are there any significant controversies?
4. Are there any unanswered research questions in this area?
5. Are there any inconsistencies in findings relating to this area?

Social science research

Social science research is the scientific study of society. More specifically, social science research examines a society’s attitudes, assumptions, beliefs, trends, norms, values and rules. Poverty, racism, class issues, sexuality, voting behavior, and criminal behavior etc are included in this research. It looks for cause-and-effect relationships of a social issues and underlying concepts. Before beginning research, researcher must formulate some social research question. The examples can be A researcher might ask if there is a relationship between a person income level and his or her sex. Do men have higher incomes than women? Are women most likely to be poor?

Difficulty in applying scientific method in Social Science Research are as follows:
1. Vested interest of researcher
2. Complexity of subject matter
3. Difficulty to obtain accurate measurement
4. Misconception of society
5. Emotional tendencies
6. Natural human expressions
7. Lack of universalities

Quantitative vs Qualitative Research

1. Quantitative Research
The research which is based on the quantitative units of measurement is called quantitative research. In this research the result is measured in terms of quantity or amount. Generally large sample size is taken to
conduct the study. It is conducted to know that how and why things are happened in the society. Sources of data are both primary and secondary sources can be used to collect data. Primary data is collected through
structured questionnaire. Different statistical tools like Mean, SD, Correlation, Regression, Test of hypothesis can be used to analyze data in this research.

2. Qualitative Research
The research which is based on the attributes is called qualitative research. In this research the result is not measured in terms of quantity or amount. Generally small sample size is taken to conduct the study. It is conducted to know the response of people. Only primary can be used to collect data.  Primary data is collected through unstructured questionnaire. Different statistical tools like Mean, SD, Correlation, Regression, Test of hypothesis cannot be used to analyze data.

Management research

The research conducted which is to solve managerial business problem is called management research. It includes the study in broad subject like strategy formulation, environment scanning, organizational
structure, staff policies and rules, system of job analysis, employee participation, record management etc. It also touches the financial area and accounting area, portfolio management sources, use of funds, depreciation budgetary system and inventory costing of banks, financial institutions and other manufacturing and service organization. This research often associated with the use of mathematical ways to analyzes managerial decision-related problems.

Types of Management Research
• Policy research
• Managerial research
• Action research
• Evaluation research